We are registered Freight Forwarder Company in India, We provide you Air/ Sea freight ,customs clearance service, warehousing, transportation ,Ata Carnet ,SEZ and complete logistics solutions under one roof.
As a custom house agent, we provide Custom Clearance service for Import and Export consignments arriving at/being exported from Inland Container Depot and Air Cargo Complex, New Delhi. We have expertise in clearances under various shames such as EPCG. Advance authorization, SFIS Scrip’s issued to service providers, DFIA and 100% EOU,ATA CARNET,SEZ, Personal Baggage.
As an EXIM trade consultant we offer liaisoning service with Government Departments such as Custom, Excise and service tax on import export licensing bond, warehousing and refund matters. We also provide expert guidance on claiming eligible benefits extended by Ministry of Commerce trough Directorate General of Foreign trade on export of tangible good/services.