Speed Supply Celebes
Kami ingin menjadi mitra logistik terpercaya anda, kami hadir untuk melayani freight forwarder di kota Makassar dan sekitarnya, kami siap untuk mensupport supply chain anda, membantu anda dalam pengurusan airfreight (angkutan via udara), seafreight (angkutan via laut) dan landfreight (angkutan via darat)
Kami terbuka untuk komunikasi langsung di online telp atau contact WA, telegram dgn No. 081236136133 Email: [email protected]
Bukit Khatulistiwa 2 Jalan Goaria Sudiang Makassar.
We are a logistics partner trusted,
we are here to serve the freight forwarder in the city of Makassar South Sulawesi, and the surrounding areas, we are ready to support your supply chain, help you in handling airfreight , seafreight and landfreight
We are open to direct communication on online, phone or contact WA, a telegram with The 081236136133 Email: [email protected] Bukit Khatulistiwa 2 Jalan Goaria Sudiang, Makassar City South Sulawesi