Tera Logistics

PT. Roda Chakra Kencana

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adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang TRANSPORTASI DARAT. Tidak hanya transportasi darat, PT.RODA CHAKRA KENCANA juga mempunyai bidang lainnya, diantaranya MENDISTRIBUSIKAN BARANG, SEWA TRUK BOX TERTUTUP, JASA EKSPEDISI, JASA PENGANGKUTAN, hingga ke JASA SEWA GUDANG (JASA PENYIMPANAN),baik cargo domestics,export,import dan Project Cargo dengan moda transport FCL atau pun LCL/LTL.


Door to Door on Call
PT. RODA CHAKRA KENCANA // RCK LOGISTICS melayani charter truck on call, dimana armada kami akan mengambil barang di tempat pengiriman dan mengantarkannya ke tempat yang diinginkan. Tarif yang PT. RODA CHAKRA KENCANA // RCK LOGISTICS tawarkan bersaing, dan dapat berbeda-beda tergantung dari tempat tujuan, tempat pengambilan, dan biaya bongkar muat yang harus dikeluarkan

Door to Door on Contract Based
PT. RODA CHAKRA KENCANA // RCK LOGISTICSA melayani charter truck dengan sistem kontrak dimana PT. RODA CHAKRA KENCANA // RCK LOGISTICS akan mengirimkan sejumlah armada secara rutin ke tempat pengiriman sesuai dengan kontrak yang telah disetujui bersama, ke tempat-tempat yang telah tercantum dalam kontrak

Door to Door to Modern Trade And Traditional Trade
PT. RODA CHAKRA KENCANA // RCK LOGISTICS melayani charter truck dengan sistem terdedikasi dimana armada PT. RODA CHAKRA KENCANA // RCK LOGISTICS akan standby selama jangka waktu yang telah disetujui untuk pengiriman ke distributor warehouse dan distributor centre.
•Cross Dock Service and Distributions
PT. RODA CHAKRA KENCANA // RCK LOGISTICS melayani cross dock service di gudang point kami dan melakukan pengadaan kiriman dengan unit truck yang lebih kecil ke daerah-daerah distribusi yang dituju.



Build up customer relationship with integrity and ethics in order to achieve our goals and keep standing in the competitive global market.

To be the leader in Freight Forwarding and Logistics Industry. We have a standard operational procedure to handle Sea, Air or even inland transportation and we upgrading always the innovative system that will help customer to manage their full range global logistics needs. We call “We make it simple for your delivery needs”.

In Order to keep up with the rapid pace to technological developments in the transportation industry, we have invested considerable amounts of capital into computerizing our offices. This gives us a competitive edge and a higher standard of service compared to other and enables us to utilize EDI Solusions for our large, overseas partners, as well as our local clients.

No Service is complete without the right people to compliment it. At PT. RODA CHAKRA KENCANA // RCK LOGISTICS ,We believe that in order to give our clients superior confidence in us, ‘HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS THE KEY’.

All our’s staff and personels are well trained and acknowledge able to handle your consignment with goods care from origin to the final destination that your required , whether the shipment by sea, air, road, rail or combine mode of transportation.

In order to keep up with the rapid pace to technological developments in the transportation industry, we have invested considerable amounts of capital into computerizing our offices

The gives us a competitive edge and a higher standard of service compared to other and enable us to utilize EDI Solution for our large, overseas partner,as our localclients.

We have service :


v LCL Consolidation

v Export – Import

v General Cargo

v Fcl-Special Equipment,Reefeer

v Breakbulk-Heavy lifts

v Customs Clearance


v Export – Import

v General Cargo

v Charters

v Perishables

v Consolidations

v Hanging Garment Service

v Customs Clearance


v Door To Door

v Trucking cdd,Fuso,Wingbox,Trailer

v Packing

v Delivery & Distribution

v Quality Control

v Order Follow Up


v Warehousing

v Packing

v Delivery & Distribution

v Quality Control

v Order Follow Up

Special Service

v Project Handling

v Inland Transportation

v Office and Household Removals

v Providing Reliable sub-Contractors for special Equipment and Facilities



WEBSITE : chakralog.com

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