SEJIN GLS Co., Ltd has headquarter at Busan and provides the best service and fast import and export customs progress and load, etc on ocean import and export, air import and export, among-three-countries and multilateral logistics, project cargo, break bulk cargo, Based on over 20years accumulated Know-how, fast, accurately and safely, to the customers and partners in any place and any region across the world, to realize value beyond logistics, we are the general logistic company exerting our endless effort. Also, by establishing global network, we promise to provide the best logistics service and competitive shipping cost and differentiated with the endless change and challenge are growing to the world best general logistic company.
Sejin Global Logistics Co., Ltd
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Cargo we mostly handle:
Heavy cargo, Vehicle, Refrigerated
Service we mostly handle:
Trucking, Warehousing, Packing/Re-packing
Mostly frequent target area:
South Korea, United States (US)
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